
We Are

Inspired By


Building a metropolitan community where all people may live in freedom, harmony, trust and affection.

We Are

Driven By


Fighting inequity by addressing the root causes of poverty and racial injustice.

We Are



Helping Detroiters improve their lives and reach their full potential for more than 50 years.

Join our Fight

Our Mission

Recognizing the dignity and beauty of every person, we pledge intelligent and practical action to overcome racism, poverty, and injustice. And to build a metropolitan community where all people may live in freedom, harmony, trust and affection. With special consideration for history, economic station, place, culture, faith, sexual orientation, gender, and race, we affirm this pledge.

What We Do

Through our programs, we use practical and strategic action to inspire people and communities to acquire the tools and resources necessary to achieve their full potential.

Focus: 电车痴汉


Since 1968, Focus: 电车痴汉 has been leading the fight against poverty, racism, and injustice.

Sign up to volunteer or make your donation to Focus: 电车痴汉 and help us keep the fight alive.

Focus: 电车痴汉
Focus: 电车痴汉